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For those that don't know our story, here it is:

Full Throttle Mechanics is owned and operated by Jac - Ballarat's only qualified female mechanic.

Her obsession and passion for vehicles started at a very young age. Her father, Ray is a qualified mechanic, obtaining his qualifications at a little garage in Waubra, Victoria, going on to work at Maryborough's Graham Jacka Holden and then to Steve Holland Transport in Avoca where he remains their weekend and on-call mechanic. And it was here where Jac would spend a lot of time - not playing with dolls or hairdressers with her friends. 

But her true passion (or calling) came when she was around 12-13 years old, you would find her outside in the dirt and rain playing with matchbox cars. It was also around this time that she learnt to drive in an old, beat-up blue Datsun in a paddock. From this time on-wards she was unstoppable and determined to ensure that she would do whatever it took to chase her dream of being a mechanic. 

Any chance Jac got to take auto class in high school she would, even though the school she was attending at the time wasn't as keen as she was. Even being told under the watchful eyes of the schools' Career Teacher that being "female" and a "mechanic" was NOT AN OPTION and that they would arrange her some work experience at a local hairdressers instead. But - that was simply NOT AN OPTION and with the full support of her Mum, Dad and sister, Jac left the school and her family and moved 2.5 hours away to a school that was incredibly inspired by her determination and did everything they could to encourage and assist her with gaining work experience at a local Holden dealership.

After one week at the Holden dealership and on her last day of work experience she was called to the Owners Office and offered an Apprenticeship if she was interested and once she successfully completed Year 10........of course her answer was YES! 

After successfully completing her Apprenticeship, Jac relocated back to her hometown and worked at a number of different workshops around Ballarat before finally branching out and into her very own workshop.

And whilst there is no doubt a lot of blood, sweat and tears that went into getting Jac to where she is today, she is proof that you can be anything you want to be and do anything that you put your mind too. 

Vintage Car
Image by RKTKN
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